SF Children & Nature members & friends,
We hope your 2020 is off to a good start. As we embark on a new decade, we’d like to pause to reflect on the first three years of our work together as the San Francisco Children & Nature collaborative.
We have a lot to celebrate! With passion and persistence, we’ve grown from a seedling to a collaborative of over 30 participating organizations. Individually and collectively we’ve been making strides towards our vision of equitable youth nature connection in San Francisco.
Highlights include:
- 342 preschoolers hosted at Nature Play Days in equity zone parks
- 9 nature connection professional development workshops for educators with local and international experts
- 36 early childhood playspaces enhanced for nature connection incorporating 974 tree stumps and ‘pizzas’ from downed park trees
- the collaboration of planners and designers on the Nature Exploration Area Playbook (coming soon)
…and much more.
We are excited to share with you our report:
Thank you for being part of our journey thus far.
On behalf of present and future generations of children and youth growing up this extraordinary city, our heartfelt gratitude.
SF Children & Nature Steering Committee
Anthony Khalil
Curtis Chan, SF Department of Public Health
Damien Raffa, Presidio Trust
Gianna Fazioli, Department of the Environment
Lara Hitchcock, YMCA
Lisa Lee, First 5 San Francisco
Maria Durana, SF Children & Nature/SF Recreation & Parks
Tamar Barlev, SF Unified School District (Green Schoolyards)