Resources for Nature Connection
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The SF Nature Exploration Area Playbook
There’s a growing global movement in cities to thoughtfully infuse childhood with nature experiences by creating spaces and places where children can connect with nature through play. The San Francisco Nature Exploration Area (NEA) Playbook was created to inspire and inform outdoor childhood spaces in San Francisco and beyond. The Playbook was developed by our Nature Connection Design workgroup team representing city-wide public land management and planning agencies along with local experts who are pioneering innovative place-making with children in mind.
In 20 photo-rich pages, the Playbook identifies eleven design features for nature play, exploration, and connection. Whether you’re starting from scratch or enhancing an existing site, this user-friendly guide will inspire and inform simple things you can do to add value to children’s lives.
Also available in Chinese.
NEW | The SF Nature Exploration Area Design Guide
An in-depth supplement to the NEA Design Playbook for design professionals. 72-page photo-rich pages filled with ideas and resources that build on the vision of quality nature-based experiences in the NEA Playbook and San Francisco Children’s Outdoor Bill of Rights to enrich spaces for children throughout San Francisco.
In developing this design guide, we studied: best practices from projects around the U.S. and the world; codes and guidelines; and research and advocacy related to fostering healthy and whole development of children and their right to access nature.
The design guide is a collaborative effort by Lisa Howard, Principal at Baytree Design and the SF Children & Nature – Design working group.
Guide | Create with Nature Play: How to set up and host your own nature play program
Create-with-Nature programs are open-ended natural loose parts play events designed to inspire curiosity, creativity, connection to the natural world and to each other. Programs can take place just about anywhere: street fairs, schools, childcares, and community programs, on concrete parking lots, grassy lawns, or parks.
This guide was created in collaboration with Zach Pine Create with Nature.
The SF Youth Nature Survey
Findings of a 2019 survey conducted by San Francisco Children & Nature work group members to:
1) establish a snapshot of youth’s nature connection in San Francisco (referred to as youth nature connection throughout this document),
2) create space for youth to share their narratives
3) better understand barriers and opportunities, and
4) influence key policy and decision-makers.
Additional Resources
* SF Bay Area resources